Friday, January 15, 2010

I think the pictures that have photoshopped their models are so dumb and is such a bad way of representing your model. That's kind of rude if someone took a picture of me and thought i wasn't good enough and photoshopped me to be thinner or change my face.

Models who are saying no to photoshop represent true beauty. Models should look natural, not all photoshopped to look nothing like their real selves. Photoshopped images just shows what a high standard you need to be to be "beautiful". There are many definitions to the word, but I say you don't need to be a stick or have high cheekbones to be beautiful.

I don't think they'll use "normal" people for all ads, it depends on what kinds. But also when people and I look through the magazines and see a "diffrent" model than usual we'd point that out. So i think it'll have to take some time before people accept the new "magazine look".


  1. Seriously, Vanessa... I would be really upset at the fact that they don't like how I look enough, so they choose to Photoshop me. That's so rude, right? How offending.

  2. i agree with you. By photoshopping someone they are pretty much saying they were too ugly to post in public. They should use original photo's for magazine covers and ads.
