Tuesday, January 19, 2010


No this video ad does not scare me at all and it will not make me become a healthier person. Everywhere I go, I will see ads like this to change peoples minds to become healthier. But as soon as i change the channel I see so many other ads saying how good these drinks are. Also I drink water or juice everyday instead of pop. I just prefer orange juice or nestea instead of those fizzy pops like coke or pepsi. But ofcourse like everyone else i drink pop sometimes. Maybe twice a week? Depending on the occasion and what i feel like drinking that day.

I don't think it's the proportions that make us eat so much more and the cause of obesity. But it could be to some people, since they do not want to waste, so they force themselves to finsh the food. But I mean if I went out to eat and got a very small plate of food I know for sure I would order more or go home and eat some more. Also like in McDonalds', everytime my family goes, we each get a combo, plus we largen all our fries. There's an example right there, the medium size is not even big enough for my sisters and I, so we get the biggest one. Also we're not obesed, therefore I don't think it really has to do with the proportions.

If the tax raises up on chips or pop I would still buy it but probably not as much. But still, I don't agree with this because it seems as if it is just a way to get more money from us consumers. If it does happen though, I think it would change many people's minds on what to eat next and maybe they'll change their eating habits.


  1. Same! Gosh, I love McDonald's and honestly no matter how many times people tell me that it's bad for me...I'm probably never gonna give it up! Why don't they just learn to leave me alone and let me eat what I want to eat? Like, seriously. :)

  2. AHAHA, wow you supersize your fries, nice... you're right tho, people eat for diffrent reasons. Its not right for them to starve themselves to death.

  3. Agreed! Even if they do raise up the taxes on chips or pop, I would still be lining up and buying them! yeah, it'll be more expensive, but I love eating that kinda stuff, nobody can stop me there! :)

  4. LOL, i agree. I really dont care if the prices are raised for fast food, i'm still going to buy it because i know my limit and i now when to stop eating. McDonalds may be unhealthy, but it still satisfies mostly everyone in the world. As long as you know your limit and when to stop, this wont be a problem.
