Tuesday, January 19, 2010


No this video ad does not scare me at all and it will not make me become a healthier person. Everywhere I go, I will see ads like this to change peoples minds to become healthier. But as soon as i change the channel I see so many other ads saying how good these drinks are. Also I drink water or juice everyday instead of pop. I just prefer orange juice or nestea instead of those fizzy pops like coke or pepsi. But ofcourse like everyone else i drink pop sometimes. Maybe twice a week? Depending on the occasion and what i feel like drinking that day.

I don't think it's the proportions that make us eat so much more and the cause of obesity. But it could be to some people, since they do not want to waste, so they force themselves to finsh the food. But I mean if I went out to eat and got a very small plate of food I know for sure I would order more or go home and eat some more. Also like in McDonalds', everytime my family goes, we each get a combo, plus we largen all our fries. There's an example right there, the medium size is not even big enough for my sisters and I, so we get the biggest one. Also we're not obesed, therefore I don't think it really has to do with the proportions.

If the tax raises up on chips or pop I would still buy it but probably not as much. But still, I don't agree with this because it seems as if it is just a way to get more money from us consumers. If it does happen though, I think it would change many people's minds on what to eat next and maybe they'll change their eating habits.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I think the pictures that have photoshopped their models are so dumb and is such a bad way of representing your model. That's kind of rude if someone took a picture of me and thought i wasn't good enough and photoshopped me to be thinner or change my face.

Models who are saying no to photoshop represent true beauty. Models should look natural, not all photoshopped to look nothing like their real selves. Photoshopped images just shows what a high standard you need to be to be "beautiful". There are many definitions to the word, but I say you don't need to be a stick or have high cheekbones to be beautiful.

I don't think they'll use "normal" people for all ads, it depends on what kinds. But also when people and I look through the magazines and see a "diffrent" model than usual we'd point that out. So i think it'll have to take some time before people accept the new "magazine look".

The Changing Face OF Video Games

Video games definatly have evolved from time. I think video games can be beneficial but also very detrimental. This is because it benefits you since it's entertaining while you're bored or bring people together to have the same interests. But it is also very detrimental. I think this because video games have evolved so much, that it is now interactive! For example wii fit says that you will be exercising and also be having fun at the same time. I tried it and it is fun, but I don't think it is exercising us that much. I say, rather than buy wii fit, people should just get out of their house and exercise for real. It seems that these video games have just made people lazier. This is because there are SO many people who instead of going out or doing other things, rather stay home on the couch and play video games. This is why i think video games can be beneficial and detrimental.

Also to add on more, I just remembered that on the news there was a 15 year old boy who LOVED his his XBOX and Call Of Duty. So when his parents took it away he threatened he'd run away, ofcourse as a parent you would not take that seriously. So they told him to bring a warm coat with him as the weather was getting colder. So when his parents atually took it from him, he ran away. I think this story is pretty crazy. It depends on how much the games mean to the person, to see if it's beneficial or detrimental. To the boy in this story, it is obviously detrimental since he ran away for a game. Also when he'd had oppurtunities to go out to the movies or etc he would rather stay in his room playing Call Of Duty.

I say parents should definatly limit their kids time spent on games, because once they get too addicted maybe their whole lives will be the game. And once it's gona, everything is gone to them.

Yes i think these games are still in the video game genre. I think anything involving a system and virtually doing something is a video game.

Social Awareness RESPONSE!

I think the Dove commericial really raises awareness about the pressure that girls around the world face. The "perfect" body is a thin as stick figure. It is so ridiculous and makes many feel like they should look the same. Girls dress a certain way, look a certain wat, and act a certain to try to imitate the girls that are portryae on tv and ads. So I think this is a good because whos people how much pressure and influence those kinds of ads have on girls.

The axe ad makes me laugh atually. This is because it's so unrealistic it's funny. Espicially if people atually purchase the product to try and end up with the same result.

I think they should have the same belief. This is because how can you say one thing, and another without sounding like a hypocrite?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Are They Kidding Me Response.

These ads are pretty inappropriate to me. This is because they are all ads that have a lot of lies and influential images. Especially the one about the tapeworm, i think that's disgusting and people back then seem like they always wanted the perfect body and life. I say society in North America back then had a lot of peer pressuring going on. Peer pressure to look a certain way, and peer pressure to feel a certain way. They portrayed fat to look like the enemy and cigarettes to be the coolest and best thing at the time. I think the reason they were allowed to publish these ads are because everyone at the time cared so much about being able to fit in. They say all doctors smoke CAMEL cigarettes and people would want this because they'll think it's a healthy kind since doctors do it too. The one about if you smoke, girls will follow you and be attracted. Many young males feel the need to belong and have girls, so they get sucked into the ad. In the ad about lard making you happy, it'll promote fatty foods to make more money for companies that probably sells fatty foods. So they lie and say it'll make it you happy. This is what i think about the ads.

Friday, November 13, 2009

4727 google map!

I think Google earth is not invading people's privacy. This is because they are only trying to do this to make maps more reliable and efficient. Unless they snap a picture while you're doing something bad. For example, on t.v I saw that one guy was going to the washroom in public. I think that if i was that person, I'd be very embarrassed and feel violated. Only then, should you complain and ask them to take another picture for the location. Also i think that blurring the faces of people, it is much better to keep privacy. While i was searching up my own house, i saw a person that i knew on the map. But it was fine because she was only walking around. So I say that no, i do not think Google earth is an invasion of privacy.